Are you a fan of Yu Suzuki? Of course you are! Well this video is for you.
This is the GDC career retrospective of Yu Suzuki and it’s translated into English. Full of great information regarding Suzuki’s long career with Sega and the ground breaking, revolutionary games he has created over the years including OutRun, Virtua Fighter and Shenmue amongst others.
I’m sure you’ll agree, this man is a legend.
I don't know if it was the interviewer not doing a good job, or Suzuki aging. He sorta came off slow at times. Also not really social. Kinda shy, I dunno :p
Anyway don't really wanna talk bad about him. It was nice to hear alotta stuff from his mouth, but there were just times where I thought, eleborate more please. I wanna know it all.
I was happy with some of the questions, especially about shenmue. He didn't really speak much about them though. A lotta "I don't know's" too.
I guess you can't expect a person to be perfect. I wonder if he still got it. Maybe he just got tired. Or maybe i shouldn't look too much into it
I still loved watching every second.
I think the interview is great; it's just pretty challenging to pull off a live translation in a public event like that.
Yeah that might just be it. I just wanted more XD
I had called dibs on this news post :/