Wait, they just announced this title for Japan? Yes, they have. The website has gone up and says it will be out this summer for our Japanese readers (so basically 2 people). That is not all, they also said it was going to cost 800 Microsoft points. As far as I know this is the first time we have gotten a price point.
Check out the Japanese website here and act like you know what it says.
[Source: AndriaSang]
Its slated for a summer release. I hope by summer they mean soon like June/July.
$10 is a steal. Though with the rate items/games go on sale on Xbox Live, I still always wait for a sale. Might as well get more for my money if they let me.
holy shit what's up with Han's arms.
lol! I was just thinking the same thing. A semi-realistic muscle structure looks pretty awful on stylized arms.