Check out Phantasy Star Online 2’s super hard mode in action

Above is a video showing off the October update for Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode 2. The start of the video shows off the new Super Hard mode.

You also get to see new skill levels since they bumped leveling up to 65. This means that if you max out your skills you get two additional skills to play with. Along with all this they have new rare enemies and new rare interrupt events. Interrupt events is basically an event that happens randomly and the player can choose to attack, defend and other objective to finish the quest.

This game looks so great, its a shame that its not out here in the West. SEGA needs to get up off their ass and confirm if its coming out, if not we can just play the damn Japanese version with the English patch.


2 responses to “Check out Phantasy Star Online 2’s super hard mode in action

  1. xxxwillxxx says:

    “SEGA needs to get up off their ass and confirm if its coming out”

    Yea tell me about it!!!

  2. Silk says:

    Damn sega. I have been dissapointed for to long

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