That’s right, gang! My Life with SEGA has decided to celebrate the ill-fated 32X on its 20th anniversary by rehashing its not-so-exciting adventures in a galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars Arcade! Yeah, baby! This time, AJ is not alone. AJ and his faithful sidekick Mickey Mac, are going up against the Galactic Empire in a desperate attempt to see the fuckin’ ending!
If you wish to see the original solo – pardon the pun – review of Star Wars Arcade, you can find it after the break!
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Ooooh yes! Awesome! I was hoping MLWS would have some cool shit lined up for this month.
Haha, I’ve been trying to get to the end of this game for awhile.
Haha, you’ve only played the original Model 1 arcade game, Mickey Mac? Man, I’ve never even seen one. For years I didn’t even think an arcade edition of the game existed because the only Star Wars Arcade I ever saw was the newer one.
I feel your pain with the Y-Wing, guys. The things a friggin junkard in pretty much ever Star Wars game. It can take hits, sure, but the damn thing can be out maneuvered by a friggin Tie Bomber. I’ve always been more of an A-Wing guy myself, since I love speed and maneuverability, but unfortunately this game doesn’t have one of those. XD
It was interesting seeing you guys play this. Probably my favorite 2-Man scramble, and it was especially nice finally seeing that fucking Super Star Destroyer explode. I noticed, however, that you played the arcade mode. I wonder…can you guys complete the longer 32X mode?
Haha, man, BC Racers next week? The pain you guys will put yourselves through sometimes…
Yeah, even if the Super Star Destroyer’s destruction was somewhat lackluster, it was nice to finally beat it.
Believe it or not, we were playing 32X mode. In that mode, you actually have to beat the Death Star twice. Couldn’t finish it. Tie Fighters kept riding out the clock and they were FAR more aggressive. The original playthrough was 38-minutes long. This final video was cut down for pacing reasons.