SEGA Talk Podcast returns to give you a whole episode dedicated to SEGA-AM2’s Daytona USA which saw limited release in 1993, but got a full world wide release in 1994. Ever since the announcement of Daytona 3 Championship USA, we have gone Daytona crazy and are unable to stop talking about the franchise every chance we get. Daytona USA is a huge nostalgic game for a lot of us SEGA arcade fans and we feel now is the perfect time to discuss the title. were you a big fan of Daytona USA growing up? Tell us about your first time playing Daytona USA in the comments below.
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I remember other than playing it in the arcades, the first time I played it was on the bootleg sampler on the saturn. It was harder than i expected it to be, but for being a short demo, it was the most fun i had in a racing game. From there I’ve gotten just about every release. I really enjoyed the release on the 360 in which you could play online with others. I remember finding a small community of players and playing with them. Good times.