Blade Arcus Rebellion from Shining’s new trailer reveals more Shining Resonance characters joining the battle

SEGA has released a new trailer showing even more Shining Resonance characters joining the versus fighting game Blade Arcus  from Shining Rebellion. If you didn’t know, a few years ago SEGA published Blade Arcus from Shining: Battle Arena which was a 2D fighting game featuring characters from the new Shining series. Blade Arcus from Shining Rebellion is a new entry that has been announcing fighters from Shining Resonance joining the battle, this trailer specifically shows off Yuma Iburn, Krika Tow Alma, Sonia Blanche, Rinna Mayfield, Zest Graham, and Excela Noa Aura.

While the last entry got a western release on Steam, it wasn’t published by SEGA. Blade Arcus Rebellion from Shining releases in Japan on March 14, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. I wouldn’t keep my fingers crossed for a Western release by SEGA.