Condemned creator wants to bring the series back

Jace Hall who is a co-founder and former CEO of Monolith Productions, the developer behind the first two Condemned games has revealed on Facebook that he wants to bring the franchise back. Jace Hall says that he owns the IP and is looking for a proven indie developer that wants to bring the series back.

I am contemplating finding an interested and proven Indie development team AND PROVIDING IT TO THEM, so that they can take over the franchise and move it forward.

As an indie, it can be very hard to get marketing/media attention for a title that you work on. This franchise is already quite known, has market demand, and is in an innovative genre/category. – Jace Hall via Facebook

Condemned: Criminal Origins (Condemned: Psycho Crime in Japan) came out in 2005 as a Xbox 360 launch title worldwide for the console, with a PC port the following year. Shortly after the release of the game, Warner Brothers Studios announced it would make a film adaption called ‘Unforgettable‘. The film had a projected 2008 theatrical release date, but was canceled way before that.

While we didn’t see a Condemned film in 2008, we did see a sequel titled Condemned 2: Bloodshot. This game would not only be released on the Xbox 360, but also on Sony’s Playstation 3. Sadly there wasn’t a PC release of the sequel. Since the sequel didn’t sell as well as the first game, the franchise was put on hold. But maybe it will come back without co-publisher SEGA? What do you guys think about this?

The SEGA Five: Last generation SEGA IPs that I want to see return next generation

Last generation might not have been the best time for SEGA fans, the start of 2006 was pretty rocky with SEGA totally ruining the image of Sonic the Hedgehog and releasing a slew of blunders through out the generation. That doesn’t mean that beneath the piles of garbage there wasn’t some great IPs, right? This list will consist of five last generation SEGA IPs (this means that they debuted, brand new on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and/or Wii) that I want to return on next generation consoles (be it Wii U, Xbox One or Playstation 4).

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