SEGA PC games being discounted up to 90%! Check out these weekend deals

(above image by DeviantART user: Shadic592)

This weekend is going to be huge for SEGA PC gamers, there are tons of sales across the internet, some on Steam and others on other websites like Gamefly. So let’s get started! 

Steam: Make War Not Love sale 


Green Man Gaming

GameFly Digital: SEGA classics sale

(Note: All the games on sale by Gamefly use Games for Windows Live, which is being discontinued on July 1st, 2014. That means that the online portions of the games will remain offline, the games will still be playable on offline accounts.)

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Gamefly Sale – Alpha Protocol $17.99

Gamefly is having another used sale, this one lasting 3 days with free shipping. Yes, that means that all games will ship to your door for nothing. Not to mention that their games usually come in excellent condition.

Xbox 360 | Playstation 3

The sale ends on September 17th, so order now if you want a copy. Other games in the sale include God of War III, Darksiders and more for under 18 dollars.

You can read our Alpha Protocol review right here.