Conduit 2 won’t be released this year

Conduit 2 has been delayed to the first quarter of 2011. When the game does come out though, it will support the classic controller and classic controller pro, if you aren’t into the whole motion controller thing.

We already know that High Voltage Studios has fired some of its staff and the remaining people are working on this game, seems that they fired them too soon and could have used those helping hands!

[Source: Nintendojo]

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High Voltage and SEGA’s relationship coming to an end?

High Voltage Studios worked on The Conduit 1/2 and Tournament of Legends, but it seems that the developer is having trouble finding a publisher for new titles. According to a developer who works at the studio, after recent layoffs all the remaining workers are polishing up Conduit 2, getting it ready to ship.

This means that their other project called “The Grinder” may be canceled, the main reason is that they can’t find a publisher for the title. Why did they start laying people off? According to the developer it was because no publishers wanted to pick up their other projects, so they had to fire staff they did not need. Does not look good for High Voltage Software at the moment.

[Source: GoNintendo]