First episode of Persona 4: The Golden Animation can now be streamed


If you hadn’t had enough Persona 4 stuff in the past week or so, the new anime based on the enhanced Vita re-release Persona 4 Golden just started. If you have a premium Crunchyroll account you can watch it on their site right now. If you don’t have one, you can watch the full episode for free in six days or you can watch the first two minutes. Alternatively, you can also watch it on, though chances are that if you don’t live in the US or the UK you’ll get a region error.

Having watched it, I do recommend only seeing this adaptation if you’ve either played the game or watched the first anime. The pacing is a lot quicker with scenes that were covered in the first anime adaptation being skimmed over or changed. That being said, you might find this fun to watch if you’re a Persona 4 fan.

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Persona 4: the Golden Animation announced

While Persona 4 has already had an animated series, it wasn’t exactly of high quality. Particularly the quality of the animation. So for those who weren’t pleased with it, Atlus has announced that there will be a new anime based on the Vita version: Persona 4 Golden. It’s being produced by A-1 Pictures, who are perhaps best known for Sword Art Online.

This re-doing of the animation will mostly cover the same story, though the Golden version did add a new character called Marie who will be in the new anime. If this is a good thing or not depends on who you ask, as the fanbase seems to be kinda split on if she’s a good character or not. The real important question is though: will this anime be able to do a better job covering the Kings Game? It will start airing in Japan this July.

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