Humble Bundle having a Capcom x SEGA x Atlus bundle

Humble Bundle is teaming up with Capcom, SEGA and Atlus to deliver a bundle of their PC games for a very affordable price. Like every Humble Bundle released in the past, this will have three tiers:

Pay $1 or more: 

  • Rollers of the Realm (Atlus)
  • Zeno Clash II (Atlus)
  • Sonic Adventure 2 (SEGA)
  • Bionic Commando (Capcom)
  • Citizens of Earth (Atlus)

Beat the average, $6.49 to unlock the previous and: 

  • Renegade Ops (SEGA)
  • Sonic Generations (SEGA)
  • Resident Evil 4 (Capcom)
  • Dead Rising (Capcom)
  • Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (Atlus)

Pay $12 to unlock the previous and: 

  • Motorsport Manager (SEGA)
  • Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (Capcom)

All titles redeem on Steam. This bundle will include four SEGA published games, four Atlus published games and four Capcom published games. This bundle also gives you bonuses like 50% off select Capcom, SEGA and Atlus game which includes The Deadly Tower of Monsters, Dawn of War III or Street Fighter V.

Unleashed Project Mod out now for Sonic Generations

Sonic Generations already had one of the daytime levels from Sonic Unleashed (Rooftop Run), but what if you want more? Well, thanks to Sonic fans you can now play eight more redesigned stages in 60fps and any resolution your rig can handle!

No console limitations. This means support for unlimited resolutions, high-quality texture filtering and 60 FPS gameplay as long as you have the hardware for it. Stages that had performance problems in the original game now work perfectly (with a proper setup). Just features you’d expect from a regular PC version!

Eight Modern Sonic stages completely readapted from Sonic Unleashed. Lots of layout improvements, recreation of gimmicks, and fixing various bugs/glitches.

Want to know more and how to install it? Check out the Moddb page on it.

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Amazon has a PC sale going on, download Binary Domain today for only $5

Hey, you got $5 bucks and a capable PC? Well, why not pick up Binary Domain? We here at SEGAbits loved the game, check out our review. It even redeems on Steam, so no worries there. What else is on sale for SEGA? Let’s have a look.

Not as much as I would have liked. But it is still quite a nice selection. Though having a nice sell on SEGA & Sonic All-Stars Transformed would have been really awesome. You can check out over 800 games being discount over at Amazon now. Have fun!

SEGA promoting Sonic Generations via The Simpsons

SEGA is going to put in some big money for Sonic Generations advertisement. Starting October 1st through December 31st you will be able to catch Sonic Generation adverts when the Simpsons go to ad breaks. Yes, SEGA & Sonic Generation are sponsoring new Simpson episodes.

“It’s on air every single day of the week and at a perfect time of day for dads and sons to watch TV.40 per cent of boys will see the idents over 60 times, an incredible frequency.” – SEGA’s UK marketing director Amanda Far

It seems that this is only confirmed for the UK at least. They will air the adverts across SKY 1, SKY HD and SKY Anytime. As for US marketing, they haven’t played their cards right. Don’t think they will be spending big bucks like in the UK, where Sonic is more popular.

[Source: MCV]

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Sonic Generations achievements revealed

If you have played past Sonic titles, you know that Sonic Team doesn’t go easy on the achievements. You will probably be wasting tons of hours to get all the achievements/trophies in their titles. This one seems to be no different.

Xbox360Achievements has the list of achievements you will be able to unlock. WARNING: There are some spoilers in there. So if you want the game to be 100% fresh when you buy it, don’t click the link.

[Via: TSS]

SEGA Spain show off Sonic Generations Special Edition box art

SEGA Spain have officially revealed the box art for their special edition version of Sonic Generations. The game will get unique box art that changes between classic and modern Sonic.

The special edition has a sticker showing off exclusive DLC, Casino Night Zone. Which in the US is available through pre-order at Gamestop and in the UK through GAME.

[Via: Sonic Stadium]

SEGA confirms Sonic Generations demo

You know you all want to play Sonic Generations and now it’s been confirmed by Takashi Iizuka at the Sonic Boom fan event that that there will be a demo.

I think we all expected a demo and I assume the demo will be the Green Hill Zone stage with classic and modern gameplay. Whatever stage they choose, it will be awesome.

[Via: Sonic Stadium]