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SEGAbits is also a hobby project, not a full time job. After eight years it has become clear that we actually spend a fair amount of money keeping SEGAbits operational. To continue to provide content to SEGA fans we have decided to ask our followers to become our patrons. With YouTube removing the ability to put ads on our channel and not wanting to fill our website with annoying and intrusive ads, it seems that Patreon will be the best way to keep SEGAbits up and running. Check out the perks and hopefully you will support us and get some awards along the way:

AVP console versions no longer supported

It seems for all those people that purched Aliens vs. Predator on consoles and were hoping for a patch to make online better, adding wanted features or new maps are now screwed.Clumsyorchid, community manager for the title, has confirmed that the console patches have be cancelled.

“I’ve just received a mail this AM regarding patches for the console versions of AVP and I regret to inform everyone that these have sadly been scrapped.

I had previously made a claim that these were coming and at the time, this was very much on the table. For the console community, I apologize, as I know there are many features and updates that you’d like to see. I’ll keep fighting internally for this to happen, but until I hear otherwise, there will not be a console patch for either Xbox or PS3.”

Sadly this is not the first time that SEGA have published a game that needed patches and they just stop supporting it. This is an issue SEGA should fix, also release those needed patches faster. Where are the Alpha Protocol patches? At least PC users get future patches, lucky them.

[Source: AliensvsPredator]

SEGA to support the 3DS

See the list on top? Those are the publishers supporting Nintendo’s new 3DS. Nintendo’s conference was just over and I have to say, was pretty impressive. Here I was embracing the worse.

Even though most companies already announced some sort of game for the new device, SEGA has not. Most likely will be a Sonic game, but I hope its a new entry to the Rub Rabbits series.

SEGA to support Playstation Move

Sony has shown off their Playstation motion controller at GDC, known as the Playstation Move. At the same event they demoed some games and even gave a list of developers that have signed up to support the Move.

One of the developers on the list was SEGA, which is not shocking since SEGA has talked about supporting both Playstation Move and Project Natal since E3.

[Source: Siliconera]