SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC releasing internationally on May 28th

Get ready shmup fanatics, as the classic Thunder Force is back again with the arcade version of Thunder Force III, Thunder Force AC, with this SEGA AGES release. SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC will be available on the Nintendo Switch eShop, for $7.99 and equivalent, in all regions.

In Thunder Force AC, you take on the role of piloting the FIRE LEO-03 “Styx” through 5 different planets and eventually the ORN headquarters, blasting anything that gets in your way with an assortment of weapons that have different properties. While similar to Thunder Force III, there are several differences to still make this a worthwhile playthrough, including audio improvement due to the SEGA System C2 hardware, and rearrangements of enemy and weapon layouts. SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC will also come with several additions, such as the ability to play as four different ships, including the ship Fire LEO-04 “Rynex” from Thunder Force IV, and a Kids Mode for novices who want to play the game without getting a weapon deduction punish from dying.

[Source: Official Website / Twitter]

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SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC releasing on May 14th in Japan

We have a release date for SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC. You can  travel across different planets and fight against the ORN Empire this upcoming May 14th, from the Japanese Nintendo Switch eShop for ¥999.

SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC is an arcade remix of the game Thunder Force III. While the general structuring is similar to the original game, there are several differences for this new arcade iteration to mix things up for veteran players, such as enemy and weapon placements being tweaked, some levels being overhauled, and the lack of a stage select. This SEGA AGES iteration also includes extra features, including the ability to play as four different ships with their own properties, and a Kids Mode meant for less experienced players where the player doesn’t lose their weapons upon death.

[Source: Official Website]

SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC coming soon, more information revealed

After Thunder Force III appeared previously in the SEGA 3D series on 3DS and the SEGA Genesis Mini, it once again returns, but with a bit of a twist. Indeed, Thunder Force AC is essentially an arcade version of the original Thunder Force III, using the SEGA System C2 arcade board also used for games such as Puyo Puyo and Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R. But don’t be fooled, as the game mixes up the level design enough that it’s still worth a playthrough even if you’ve played the Mega Drive original, and also benefits from improved audio samples.

The SEGA AGES release adds several new features, most notably the selection of different ships. FIRE LEO-03 STYX being the default ship, FIRE LEO-03 STYX Mass Product being a revamped version of the original ship that was included in Thunder Force Gold Pack 2, FIRE LEO-04 RYNEX from Thunder Force IV, and FIRE LEO-04 RYNEX with the Thunder Sword. Like it’s predecessor SEGA AGES Thunder Force IV, there will also be a Kids Mode that increases the power of your attacks and doesn’t penalize you by stripping away your weapons upon death, ideal for more novice players.

It will be available at a price of ¥999 for the Japanese Nintendo Switch eShop, but with no announced date yet.

[Source: Official Website]

TGS 2019: SEGA AGES Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R releasing on September 26th in Japan, SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC coming soon

SEGA has revealed several pieces of new information regarding to their SEGA AGES lineup at Tokyo Game Show. The first bit of news is that the previously announced SEGA AGES Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R finally has a release date, being slated for a September 26th release in Japan for the Nintendo Switch. This version of Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R coming packed with the original arcade game with all 20 minigames intact, the inclusion of the Mega Drive version that includes additional modes like an RPG mode and a Competition mode, plus online multiplayer.

The second bit of news is that SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC will be the next title in the SEGA AGES series. Thunder Force AC basically being an arcade version of Thunder Force III, with some levels being changed from the original release and naturally having limited continues. However the most notable addition to this version is the option to play as Fire LEO-04 “Rynex”, the ship from Thunder Force IV, complete with all of the same weapons from that game. No definitive release date has been revealed as of this writing.

[Source: SEGA TGS Live Stream]

SEGA FES 2019: Six new titles announced for the SEGA AGES series

More news has dropped regarding to the SEGA AGES series, this time a lot of announced titles coming to the series sometime in the future. These titles are Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R, Shinobi, G-loc Air Battle, Fantasy Zone, Herzog Zwei, and Wonder Boy in Monster Land. Each title will be based on their original arcade version, with the exception being Herzog Zwei instead being based on the Mega Drive version. No other information such as pricing, release date, or any other additional features have been revealed.

This announcement notably means that G-loc Air Battle will have the original arcade version ported to a home console for the first time, while this will be the first time SEGA used the Herzog IP after the acquirement of Technosoft’s library. What is your thoughts on these titles coming to the SEGA AGES series?

[Source: Twitter]

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SEGA AGES Thunder Force IV (Lightening Force) Review – Lightning Strikes Again (Nintendo Switch)

After a long hiatus, partially due to the downfall of the company Technosoft, the Thunder Force series is steadily regaining it’s spark. SEGA has been courteous enough to give fans of the series some much needed love, first with M2’s version of Thunder Force III as apart of the SEGA 3D line of titles for the 3DS, then later it’s follow up Thunder Force IV (aka Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar) and the arcade game Thunder Force AC as apart of the SEGA AGES line of titles on the Nintendo Switch.

Today we’re going to be looking at SEGA AGES Thunder Force IV in particular. This is arguably the best game in the series, and commonly praised as an example of one of the SEGA Genesis’ best shmups available on the system. But does this SEGA AGES version live up to this praise, or is it more like flying into a stray bullet and dying multiple times?

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Announces Acquisition of Technosoft’s IPs

Welcome to another episode of the SEGA News Bits, this time we will be talking about SEGA buying Technosoft’s IPs. Technosoft is best known for their Thunder Force series but also did titles like Herzog Zwei, Elemental Master and Hyper Duel. We discuss if this is a good buy for SEGA, what we would like to see SEGA do with Technosoft’s IPs and more. Tell us in the comments what your favorite Technosoft game is and what do you think of this whole buyout?

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SEGA announces acquisition of Technosoft’s IPs

002SEGA has announced that they have acquired Technosoft’s library of video game IPs, which makes sense since they announced earlier today that they will be adding Technosoft’s Thunder Force III to the new SEGA 3D Archives volume. Now we know that the reason for this is the fact that SEGA has acquired Technosoft’s games. But what have they made? Not too much that is overly popular these days, especially in America. I would say Thunder Force is their most well known franchise.

Some of Technosoft’s franchises:

  • Thunder Force (AGAIN!)
  • Herzog Zwei
  • Elemental Master
  • Hyper Reverthion

SEGA did say during the SEGA 3D Archives stage show that they are looking into reprinting Thunder Force IV, V and even Herzog Zwei. So now SEGA adds another lump sum of Japanese IPs to its already full belt line, what do you think of this news?

[Via: 4Gamer]