NYGX hosting Virtua Fighter tournaments this upcoming August

Even though Virtua Fighter franchise has lost its popularity in the West through recent years, doesn’t mean places like New York Cities’ NextLevel will allow it to go unnoticed. From August 14th through the 16th NYGX will be hosting a array of Virtua Fighter tournaments.

What games are on the bill? So far:

  • Virtua Fighter 3
  • Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tune
  • Virtua Fighter 5R
  • Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

How many of you guys play Virtua Fighter competitively and want to go to this? Should be a interesting event, definitely excited to see some new Virtua Fighter 4 matches.

Most played character in Virtua Fighter 5 arcades?

Above is the chart, hitting number one is my favorite character Jacky. He really is faster than lighting. This data ends on February 9th, so its a bit old.

For all the hype that Taka-arashi was brought back, its weird seeing him way down in last place. You have it folks, Jacky should be the new face of Virtua Fighter, sorry Akira!

[Source: Versus City]

So how well is Virtua Fighter 5 doing in the arcades?

Recently Tekken producer, Katsuhiro Harada, put up a scan of the latest Amusement Journal to show off that Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion was number one. Screw that, what about Virtua Fighter?

Virtura Fighter 5 R came in 5th place and Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown came in at 14th place. This might seem bad, but if you combined the earnings of both titles as one it would come in at a solid 3rd place. R came out in February 2008, so the title is going to be 3 years old soon. While Final Showdown came out in July of last year.

Shows how much more popular Tekken is, since Bloodline Rebellion version came out in December of 2008.

[Source: VFDC]

Virtua Fighter 5R getting classic SEGA console items

Even though SEGA is preparing for the upcoming Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, does not mean it will stop adding stuff to Virtua Fighter 5R. SEGA updated VF5R this month, with classic SEGA consoles.

The image above shows the prices of the consoles, which can be used on your characters back. The prices for the in game items are the same price as the real consoles when they launched in Japan. Of course, you buy the consoles with in-game currency.  Make Akira look like Segata, with a Saturn on his back? Brilliant!

[Source: Versus City]