SEGA CD Month – My Life With SEGA goes to FMV Hell in Wirehead

SEGA CD month continues, and misery loves company in the latest episode of My Life With SEGA.

If you love FMV games, as well as watching Mickey Mac suffer, this one’s for you. This is the full-motion shit-fest only Tom Zito of Digital Pictures could produce. That’s right, I’m talkin’ about Wirehead. Written and directed by James Riley (Night Trap), this game takes FMV gaming to a whole new plateau. This is the 2-Man Scramble that nobody wanted to experience. Especially Mickey Mac, because he’s yet to speak to me since.

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2 responses to “SEGA CD Month – My Life With SEGA goes to FMV Hell in Wirehead

  1. Kori-Maru says:

    Threw dat man out the window lol! I like how his friend freaks out when makes mistakes.

  2. mylifewithsega says:

    As much as it sucks to play, it’s harder watching your friends fuck up and freak out when ya’ try to help him. Believe it or not, we played this for an hour. It took him forever just to get outta’ the fuckin’ house. LOL!

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