Yu Suzuki says there are ‘no concrete plans’ for Shenmue 4 yet

Shenmue creator and SEGA legend Yu Suzuki recently attended a event to celebrate Shenmue in Yokosuka, right during the finale of the Shenmue the Animation. At this event there where several gaming outlets including IGN Japan and Famitsu, where he discussed the anime and talked about the future of the series.

One of the interesting points he touched on was the fact that Shenmue 3 was created to please long time fans from the start since they’re the ones crowdfunding it. Yu Suzuki says he received positive feedback from those old time fans but felt that newcomers “felt like they had been left behind”. This made it a bad entry point for newcomers.

“With Shenmue 3, I really responded to the fans’ voices, so I wasn’t necessarily thinking about making any money .But since I’m running a company, I have to think about what can sell if I continue. I’ve been seriously talking about it over and over again.”’

Yu Suzuki also said there aren’t concrete plans as of right now for Shenmue IV, but if he does create the next installment he would want to “make it possible for new players to play the next one”.  Maybe of Shenmue the Animation catches up next season with the games, then Yu Suzuki might have a wider audience to try again.

[Via VideoGamesChronicle]


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