SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show: Episode #2

Alright, so we did promise to make the show a weekly thing, the only problem is that recording the past 2 weeks lead to nothing; mostly because of my awesomely lame internet company.

This week I sat down with Aki-at and SEGA Uranus to discuss some SEGA news and Shenmue. I understand that my volume sounds low, we are sorry about that. Seems to do it to the person that records, we promise to fix this issue next week.

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Hit the jump for the show notes…

Highlight of our Week: Talking about what we have been up to to the past week. Will most likely change this section in future shows.
What we are playing: We are gamers, we do play games. We share what we have been up to. Plot spoiler: Mostly Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.
SEGA News: Since most of the rumors we had turned to actual news, this section got a bit longer. Sonic & Mario sells 6 million units, Yakuza 3 cut content and new Vanquish screens is what we talk about mostly.
Retro Talk: We talk about Shenmue this week and why we could never get that hot dog from Tom.


11 responses to “SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show: Episode #2

  1. Snowcat says:


  2. Sega Uranus says:

    I can confirm that this is the best SEGAbits podcast to date with the best guest so far. 😎

  3. DJ Fob Fresh says:

    Nice stuff…sound equipment is always finicky.

  4. I agree about adoring the detail in Shenmue.

    I think what you were trying to say was that there are so many areas in Shenmue that are not only DETAILED but are also UNIQUE. You could enter a shop in Shenmue and see items that are never repeated elsewhere. Meanwhile modern games are detailed, but many times items are reused. Hell, every store and building had a different theme song! That's detail.

  5. Oh and this:

    Shenmue 1 – small town living sim

    Shenmue 2 – tourist sim

    Shenmue 3 – camping sim?

  6. SOUP says:

    Another solid podcast. Still a few sound issues though. I'm not really crazy about the whole separating the voices between channels, but I did enjoy the Shenmue discussion.

  7. Truesonic says:

    Great show guys, I laughed at your look back at Shenmue.

  8. Orta says:

    Oh no, I listen George on the left and Aki and Sanus on the right. Can you guys make sure you record the conversation in mono next time? Thanks. You see, thanks to the stereo recording today's bus trip was a lot harder – I really can't listen to voices on just one channel. Anyways, off to find a way to convert this to stereo!

  9. George says:

    <blockquote cite="comment-313">

    Orta: an you guys make sure you record the conversation in mono next time? Thanks. You see, thanks to the stereo recording today’s bus trip was a lot harder – I really can’t listen to voices on just one channel. Anyways, off to f

    Will do 🙂

  10. Orta says:

    I took the liberty to fix it. Overall it sounds slightly worse (it's recompressed after all) but George's voice is louder and the sound is mono. It's a 170MB download.

  11. matty says:

    I like how you can hear George play a Sonic game and talk to mom or someone in the background.

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