Seems that SEGA has decided to cut quite a few more things than just a trivia game and some hostess bar sections. What was cut? An example was that when you reach Chapter 4, 9 out of the 40 side missions do not appear. That is quite a cut.
I don’t know what to say to SEGA, its bad enough that the franchise failed due to their poor marketing skills, but now they really want to make the game sell no copies what-so-ever. All the ‘fans’ are being slapped in the face with cuts, then they release it on the same day as Final Fantasy XIII and the same month as God of War III?
Come on!
[Source: Kotaku]
Sega America is a complete and utter peice of shit. But old news.
Isn't Sega Europe partially to blame as well?
SEGA of Europe and America are now "SEGA West", so blame SEGA West.
This is Sharky:
Bad things happen, blame SEGA America
Good things happen, praise SEGA Europe
The missions that were cut were part of the cut content.
This includes a few side missions that featured exclusively the Answer x Answer quiz. Of course the majority of the cut missions are hostess missions.
<blockquote cite="comment-343">
Sega Uranus: This is Sharky:Bad things happen, blame SEGA AmericaGood things happen, praise SEGA Europe <a class=comment_quote_link onmousedown="quote('343', 'Sega Uranus', 'comment','div-comment-343', false, false); try { addComment.moveForm('div-comment-343', '343', 'respond', '615'); } catch(e) {}; return false;" title="Click here or select text to quote comment" href="javascript:void(null)" rel="nofollow">(Quote)
Sega of America did the localization… not my fault if you don't like that.
End of the day Sega Europe have their shit togeather… Sega of America are a fucking mess.
Those side quests were a waste of time, atleast that is what I can predict by partially indulging in the pathetic side quests of Yakuza 2.
I bet you all were only getting the game to play Mahjong and dating texts.
The main thing is the story line, the side quests were crappy filler text and Sega would've to endure more translation fees/time further delaying the game.
<blockquote cite="comment-350">
cube_b3: Those side quests were a waste of time, atleast that is what I can predict by partially indulging in the pathetic side quests of Yakuza 2.I bet you all were only getting the game to play Mahjong and dating texts.The main thing is the story line, the side quests were crappy filler text and Sega would’ve to endure more translation fees/time further delaying the game.
I never liked the Hostess Missions at all, and actively avoided them, but some of the side missions were fun. It seems like the side-quests here were relating in some way to the hostess bars, so thats not a huge deal for me, but still a shame to see more content cut.
Most people here were looking forward to the combat and the storyline (Some of the best around and the best SEGA have)
Not many, if any, signaled distress at hostess bar or other, more Japanese focused, sidequests and minigames, being cut. But as MadeMan points out, it is still sad to see content go, even if the content might not be considered very good.