I think we have all asked ourselves, what happen to Yu Suzuki? It has been a long time since the man has released a video game. But according to a tipster at Go Fanboy, it seems that he might make his return at E3, showing off a new Playstation Move title.
According to the tipster, it will be a 1 vs. 1 combat game. He also stated that “Yu wants this to be about real human interaction and competition.” This could just be a Playstation 3 port of Psy-Phi or maybe something new?
[Thanks: Orta]
This is actually interesting, a Sony representative recently stated that Sony had an exclusive of un-holy proportions to announce at E3…
Could it be? <_<
Nah… it couldn't…. could it?!
Wow!!! That would be some port. The clips I've seen of it look fun; almost like Pyschic Force. Can anyone say: PS3 Motion or Natal?
Speaking of Psy-Phi, I was just thinking that the iPad might work quite well for that.
I so hope its true!
It does indeed sound like Psy-Phi. If it is, it better come to other platforms.