The Brick People arcade game is being ported to iOS devices! . That means iPhones, iPad and iPod Touch.
- Tactile Gameplay: Build towers and bridges for the Brick People by pulling bricks from the stack and dropping them into place, using the iOS’ multi-touch interface
- Build with a Buddy: Compete head-to-head via Wi-Fi to out-build your friends, or compete on a single device in the iPad version
- See How You Stack Up: Build your Brick People reputation by going for high scores on the Game Center leaderboards, and tweet your tallest towers
The game is set to be released this Autumn. So get your iDevices ready! Now if only they would announce this for Android!
[Source: SEGA.Blog]
So many Announcements, what is going!?
I support any SEGA game that’s developed In-House…
Android they have to make it work for like 80 iphone knock-offs and 10 ipad ripoffs, but with ios it’s more of a controlled environment.
George, I thought you would want a version for your JooJoo.
Emmett, I understand you are a Apple fanboy. Its obvious you have some deep rooted hate for Android platform, since it bothers you that other people that don’t use Apple products would want a game, even if it will have no effect to you, since you know, you don’t use Android products.
Android OS is used by the majority of the people for their smartphones, over 50% world wide. I would think porting it over would be smart. Shoot, I also think there should be a Windows Phone 7/XBLA port.
This is not a complicated 3D game. Its like ChuChuRocket! If that one guy and his Retro engine can work on Android and all those other platforms for Sonic CD and developers who make games in their house can make games work on all 99% of Android phones, SEGA shouldn’t have an issue.
Also, what is your obsession with JoJo tablet? It was like 3 years ago and I said in that same topic I wasn’t going to get…
Hey George, you read a lot into what I wrote, putting words into my mouth.
I don’t care what people use, but Google, Samsung and HTC are blatantly and obviosly ripping off IOS and iphone / iPad. They look and act the same, and it’s no coincidence that the head of google was on Apple’s board of directors until he quit right around the launch of the iphone. They are kmock-offs. I don’t kmow or care what other people use, but I don’t have a lot of respect for Android. It’s is generation”s Windows 3.1. and you can get a virus on your phone?
Yo may be right about it not being difficult. I have no idea, I just assume it’s easier to code for one hardware/OS combination, but I’m no programmer.
The JooJoo thing just irks me, because I was in the middle of a thread where you, fluffy and Orta were saying anyone who buys an iPad is an “absolute moron” because they are pretty much garbage, then you post a review of the JooJoo tablet and say it’s going to be way better, and Apple are just good at marketing.
So now you are calling me a fanboy, which is offensive and stupid, considering I’m probably close to 20 years older than you.
This debate has nothing to do with what the post is about. If you want to discuss this, you can make a topic in the forum.
No thanks. It wasn’t a debate until you posted a response. I like this version of your comment better than tthe last one.
Anyway, I will buy Brick People HD when it comes out, and they can put it on as many platforms as they want, I promise it won’t bother me. Please don’t delete my comment again.