Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Extend is actually a re-release of Project Diva 2, with more of everything you like. But will it have enough songs added to make it worth you importing it? We have an almost complete set list, you be the judge.
From Project Diva:
- Sennen no Dokusou-ka (DIVA edit) – by yanagi
- Boukyaku Shinjuu – by OPA/Asaki No’9
From Project Diva 2nd:
- Kocchi Muite Baby – by ryo (supercell)
- Yellow – by kz (livetune)
- Colorful x Melody – by Team MOER
- Hatsune Miku no Gekishou – by Storyteller
From Special DLC Packages:
- Ura Omote Lovers – by wowaka
- Hallo, Planet (I.M.PLSE-EDIT) – by sasakure.UK
- Palette – by Yuyoyuppe/meola
- Nayuta no Kanata Made – by Tsurishi P
- The End of Solitude – by Hikari Shuuyou
- Luka Luka Night Fever – by samfree
From regular DLC:
- The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku – by cosMo
- StargazeR – by Kotsuban P
- Kin no Seiya Rosetsu ni Kuchite – Deadball P
- Migikata no Chou Giving Day Edition – by Nori P/Mizuno Yura
- Anata no Utahime – by asuma
- Stardust Utopia – by otetsu
- Electric Angel – by Yasuo
- Time Limit – by North-T
From arcade:
- melody – mikuru396
- Iroha Uta – by Gin Saku
- Colorful x Sexy – by Team MOER
Completely new:
- Starduster – by Jimmy Thumb P
- Sekiranun Graffiti – by ryo (supercell) [This is the game’s OP]
- SPiCa 39′s Giving Day Edition – by Toku
- Nekomimi Switch – by daniwell
- Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro – by Hachi
- Rin Rin Signal –Append Mix- – by Signal P
[Source: Siliconera]
Well I was really on the fence before, but since it has “Colorful x Sexy,” I guess I have no choice but to import. -j/k
Sadly, if they did release this in the US, I’d probably check it out just to see wtf these games are about. Other than just the anime jailbait…
^It’s a a straight up rhythm game. Don’t let the supa supa kawaii-ness fool you. Under all that is a game waiting to tear your ass – or fingers.
If you don’t dig the music/genre then yeah, you’re not missing much (if you have a Japanese PSN account I’ll say at least try the demo. After I checked that out I immediately imported the game). I personally enjoy it. In fact, I went to see these guys in concert last July. Shit was beast
Oh, man. Just seeing the excitement from the fans was half the experience. I feel like a dope for not bringing a glowstick, but it was indeed an amazing concert. I think there is going to be a DVD release of the event, so you can kind of see what happened.
Isn’t Shiggs a Miku fan, too? I thought I heard a Vocaloid track in one of the pocasts.