Phantasy Star Online 2 – Opening CG and Trailer

Last night Sega held two Phantasy Star Online 2 “Fan Briefings” where members of the development team including ‘Dragon’ Sakai took to the stage in Akihabara Japan to revealed new details about PSO2. Fans who could not attend the even, like you and I could watch it on USTREAM.

The above video is the opening CGI movie of PSO2, hit the jump to watch a trailer for the game which includes lots of gameplay recorded from the USTREAM video so quality isnt the best.

Note the remixed version of the original PSO theme music ‘A Whole New World’ playing during both videos.

Qg VJAd:

13 responses to “Phantasy Star Online 2 – Opening CG and Trailer

  1. CrazyTails says:

    That CG opening was sooo amazing

    *continues watching

  2. CrazyTails says:

    Thanks for those shadi

  3. natsume says:

    I suppose that Marza studio who did do CG trailer

    • CrazyTails says:

      I was gonna ask the same thing. That is one beautiful CG despite it being low quality video. The way the characters were running next to each other gave it a “sonic” feeling…. actually even better with the beaitiful environment and great animations in the acrobitcs. When the main character took the big sprint and jumped across the gap, I really thought wow.

      If this is marza, this is really one of their most impressive work to me. I’d probably call them one of the best CG animators in the gaming industry.

      In short, The CG really leaves a great impression and it hyped me up bigtime. I shouldn’t be hyped yet though :p This is really a game you gotta play for yourself before judging.

  4. ezodagrom says:

    High quality version of the opening video:

  5. Sharky says:

    ^Thanks EzoDragrom I’m going to edit that in now.

  6. radrappy says:

    this is looking worse and worse. What’s up with the emphasis on speed and acrobatics? As for the gameplay it looks sloppy as hell. As a really big fan of the franchise, I’m not liking this at all.

    • darkshortyx says:

      Chill out with the emphasis on speed and acrobatics thing. It’s actually nice to finally see someone put parkour/free running in a nice CG video. I mean, it probably would make more sense in a sonic game, but this is not the case.

      The gameplay seems pretty good to me. It’s PSO.

  7. darkshortyx says:

    Also, the original PSO was pretty slow.

  8. genocidex says:


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