My Life with SEGA becomes one with the Force in Star Wars: Rebel Assault

This week, My Life with SEGA returns to a galaxy far, far away in Star Wars: Rebel Assault for the SEGA CD. Will it be a day long remembered, or will it end up being Bantha poodoo?

It may be hard to believe, but long before Greedo shot first, or the prequels devided the fanbase, I was playing Rebel Assault; my very first Star Wars game. It has been a day long remembered….

Now, 18 years since it’s release on the SEGA CD, I ask myself, “Is it still a day worth remembering?”

Let’s find out.

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7 responses to “My Life with SEGA becomes one with the Force in Star Wars: Rebel Assault

  1. CrazyTails says:

    Haha, great as always 😛

    • mylifewithsega says:

      Thank you, good sir. Just wait until you see Star Wars Arcade. That one takes the cake, in my opinion. That will most certainly be next week.

  2. Shigs says:

    Yay! I can’t wait for next week with32X Admiral Ackbar and his Jersey accent.

    “Wipe out enehmy fightahs…….yeh basterd!”

    • mylifewithsega says:

      LMAO! Oh, I wish I had talked to you about this before doing the fuckin’ video. I so would have put that in there. Hahaha!

  3. Oh man I fell behind a few episodes, well no more, clicks subscribe. ; D

  4. mylifewithsega says:

    @Chaos –

    It’s cool, bro. Ya’ just got more to watch now. Hehe. Star Wars Arcade is live now. We just haven’t put up the notification yet.

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