Sonic Jump receives big update, including Silver, Rouge, bosses and more

SEGA has updated the iOS game Sonic Jump today, adding two new characters: Silver and Rouge, more boss battles, new level objects and gimmicks, new wallpapers, graphical updates and more. Upon starting up the game, players will notice additional screens including an easy to access pop up panel that gives gameplay records including completion percentages and ring totals, as well as a panel that shows total zone progress. Within stages, graphical flourishes have been added including animation on once static objects and new elements such as Green Hill Zone flowers. Later stages feature diagonal springs and swing gimmicks. Each zone has double the boss battles, with the sixth stage of each zone being replaced by a new Eggman fight featuring new layouts. Additional characters, Silver and Rouge, bring with them more levels with 30 looking to be the new maximum level to attain.


3 responses to “Sonic Jump receives big update, including Silver, Rouge, bosses and more

  1. Arc Christelle says:

    Just trying to be the greatest iOS game ever huh? lol

  2. Joel says:

    Wait a minute, Silver comes before Shadow?

  3. Brianzilla2004 says:

    Excellent! Now, how about porting this to WP8?

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