Back before Criterion was developing the critically-acclaimed Burnout series along with, more recently, their successful Need for Speed reboots, they released a little-known Dreamcast launch title called TrickStyle. It was a racer featuring hoveboards in futuristic versions of New York, London, and Tokyo, and though the racing physics engine and trick systems felt rough, what was unquestionable was Criterion’s artistry. The game’s art still sticks out as vibrant and incredibly detailed even to this day, and its soundtrack set the scene and gave the game a very cool feel.
This tune played on a racetrack inspired by New York City’s Central Park. It’s both ambient and also fairly melodic. Other music in the game is a bit more intense, but this one fit perfectly for a quieter race as you hovered through Central Park under the moon’s glow.
For another (very different) tune from TrickStyle, hit the jump.
This one actually incorporates some vocals. It’s funny to hear these songs now; much like games such as Jet Set Radio Future, TrickStyle actually preceeded the recent resurgence in electro and dubstep. I hear many aspects of these games’ soundtracks in popular music today, something I find pretty cool, to say the least.
Not music related: TrickStyle apparently is not VGA compatible, and yet the demo disc with a demo of the game is! 😛
Fun game and great music though.
Yeah, really fun game; pratically the first game by Criterion which at the time were part of CANON, yes the CANON of the digital cameras etc…, 🙂