This is Saturn goes cross-country with Gale Racer for SEGA Saturn

Surprise: It’s a This is Saturn double-month!
That’s right, to celebrate 20 years of the Saturn, we’re bringing you a second episode of This is Saturn for November!

Gale Racer, the Japan-exclusive port of SEGA AM2’s Rad Mobile to Saturn, has seen some bad rep over the years, with some going as far to call it outright “abysmal.” But is it really as bad as those folks suggest? Or has it earned that ‘glorious’ title?

This is Saturn is a video series created by British teenager Liam ‘TrackerTD’ Ashcroft, aiming to give an alternative and in-depth look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of SEGA Saturn gaming, all whilst maintaining a somewhat strong accent.

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One response to “This is Saturn goes cross-country with Gale Racer for SEGA Saturn

  1. Tomleecee says:

    Great video – I love the Rad Mobile arcade machine and bought Gale Racer just because I love Rad Mobile so much (I’ve got a Japanese Saturn). It’s not an amazing conversion…but still fun. You do go into a lot of detail – which I enjoyed…and that truck! Argh!

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