My Life with SEGA takes on Nintendo in the short film “Theater of the Eye”

Andrew Rosa and Mickey Mac must save SEGA from the vile Nintendo Empire in this ridiculous action/sci-fi comedy, starring Erica Winter, Barry the Nomad and Mike Lodato (SegaCDUniverse), with a special appearance by SEGA’s very own ToeJam & Earl!

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11 responses to “My Life with SEGA takes on Nintendo in the short film “Theater of the Eye”

  1. cube_b3 says:

    Street Fighter: The Movie for the WIN!

  2. mylifewithsega says:

    LOL! God, everyone I’ve shown this wreck to – family, friends and a handful of fans – love the Street Fighter quote. I’m surprised anyone even remembers the movies, let alone the line.

    • cube_b3 says:

      It would have been cooler, if you didn’t outright say it was from Street Fighter cause I was thinking this sounds oddly familiar… Fortunately, I am a massive Van Damme fan and I was able to recall the source before it was mentioned.

      None the less EPIC!

  3. Will says:

    So cheesy!

    • mylifewithsega says:

      Thanks, captain! We tried to make something so much more extreme than even No Limits. We already have plans to make another, The Fall of AGES, sometime late next year.

  4. Centrale says:

    AJ make a new film. Within a week, Yakuza 5 is announced for the West. Coincidence? I think not! Great job, AJ, keep ’em coming!

    • mylifewithsega says:

      If I were capable of that sort of greatness Shenmue III would’ve happened by now. Hahaha!

      Thank you very much, good sir. I’m going back to reviews for a bit, but we’ll have another SEGA short next year. It’s gonna’ be an odd one though.

  5. CuppaJoeGamer says:

    I can’t stop laughing at these flying, space traveling stills of consoles with Fighters Megamix music playing.

    • mylifewithsega says:

      YAY! Success! Glad you’re enjoying it, bro. The music during the space battle was taken from Soul Star on SEGA CD.

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