During a event in Okinaway on Sunday, SEGA announced that its 2012 Free-To-Play online RPG Phantasy Star Online 2 will be getting a television anime adaption. The anime, being called Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation, will have a completely new storyline and take place on Earth in the near future.
During the event SEGA also revealed that Phantasy Star Online 2 has had over 3.5 million registered users. Sadly the only thing we know is that it will be coming out sometime in 2016. Now if we can get a release of the game over here in America and Europe, that’d be great!
Take place on Earth in the near future? Don’t all the earthlings get slaughtered by Rolf and crew in PSII?
That is what I was thinking too, but check gematsu.com and they also reported it that way. Hummmm
Or may be.. Rolf and the crew has lost in the battle against them? The PS2’s ending only show the battle, not the victor.
*on mobile *

Sega Announces
Phantasy Star Online 2 =D
Anime TV show . dammit!
God I hope this is good.