Former SEGA employee portfolio reveals Crazy Taxi 4 pitch

The classy people over at Sonic Stadium have found images from a portfolio of a former SEGA Studios Australia employee Brooke Luder that revealed a Crazy Taxi 4 pitch and the fact that Sonic Classic Collection on the Nintendo DS was originally going to have more games than it did. What games didn’t make the final product? Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D Blast (aka Sonic 3D Flickies’ Island) and Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine. Sprites from Sonic Spinball and Sonic 3D Blast still made the game’s credit roll at the end.

Also part of her portfolio was a pitch made by the team to SEGA for a Crazy Taxi 4. She created the concept art you see on the header image, showing a passenger jumping from one Taxi to another. We could speculate that this was part of some gameplay mechanic that was pitched by SEGA Studios Australia for a new game.

Another pitched concept that SEGA Studios Australia was part of was a London 2012 Olympic game, but that isn’t as interesting. To see what was on her portfolio, hit the jump.



SEGA Australia had the good fortune (WOOO!) of acquiring the Sonic Classic Collection port to Nintendo DS.

I created all the UI artwork for the port. This included recreating all the game logos as Sega no longer had the original editable logos. It also involved designing and creating the in-game assets for all the front end menus and ingame menus that weren’t part of the original game play and creating sprite sheets for the EFIGS language conversions.

Studio: SEGA Australia
Fun Factor: OMG!
Publisher: SEGA America
Release Date: 2010
Platform: Nintendo DS
Position: Senior UI/UX Artist
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
Skills: Graphic Design/Layout



A concept piece created for the Crazy Taxi pitch from SEGA Australia. Illustrated in Photoshop and logo design created in Illustrator.
Studio: SEGA, Australia
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
Skills: Illustration, Logo Design




I was involved in early stage graphics prototyping for SEGA’s London 2012 Olympics game. As part of this experience I created some of the early stage pitch art for game play prototyping.

Studio: SEGA Australia
Fun Factor: Gold!
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Position: Senior UI Artist
Software: Corel Painter
Skills: Illustration, Concept Art


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4 responses to “Former SEGA employee portfolio reveals Crazy Taxi 4 pitch

  1. dols says:

    Crazy taxi is a good game

  2. Sam says:

    That Crazy Taxi might’ve been a really crazy game.

  3. dols says:

    It would be cooler to c gameplay. I saw the golden axe one of dem peepz makin that mickey castle remake.

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