SEGA Talk Podcast #09: Streets of Rage (1991)

Clench your fists, pump up the stereo and get ready to rage in the streets as we talk about the iconic SEGA beat ’em up classic Streets of Rage! On this episode of the SEGA Talk podcast, George and Barry discuss their history with the Streets of Rage franchise, the original game’s development history and Yuzo Koshiro’s iconic soundtrack. There is even some Streets of Rage vs. Final Fight talk for all you fanboys that love rivalries. What are you waiting for? Hit that play button and tune in.

In the comments below, share your memories of the original Streets of Rage!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!


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