A new Dreamcast game has been recently discovered, specifically a Dreamcast port of the PC game Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters. Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters is a racing game created by a company called Creat Studio back in 1999, most comparable to the wipEout series on Sony consoles. The game was found in a Dreamcast devkit, playable and seemingly complete, yet strangely never received any type of publicity. The PC version was released, but the Dreamcast version was quietly cancelled for unknown reasons.
The original finder of the unreleased Dreamcast port of Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters was a Dreamcast enthusiast named Kuririn84, who found the game in dev kit and distributed the game to two people in order to extract it. Since then another user by the name of japanese_cake successfully got the game to boot and provided a downloadable link for anyone to try out. Full comments from japanese_cake can be found here.
It’s nice to see another game has been discovered and preserved for future generations, and thanks to all the dedicated Dreamcast fans for preserving a small bit of history.
[Source: The Dreamcast Junkyard]
For more screenshots and video from The Dreamcast Junkyard, click below.
There’s still quite a few completed but unreleased Dreamcast titles still out there on Dreamcast Dev kits waiting to be found, some estimates put it at the 50+ range. But as they were assigned to specific sets of Dev kits only, their circu!Latino is harder it pinpoint.
But of the Dreamcast ones found so far like Half Life, Propeller Arena and Toe Jam and Earl, they have been given proper releases on disk with Dreamcast boxes which you can get from EBay vendors and retailers now, it’ll likely be a matter of time till Millennium Racer: Y2K is also given retail release.
They also sell professional Dreamcast DVD boxes of many notable selected Dreamcast titles. Its amazing how much the Dreamcast market has expanded in just the past 5 years, more and more retailers are selling Dreamcast merchandise, like Forbidden Planet here ~ https://forbiddenplanet.com/?q=Dreamcast
They sell other Sega merchandise too, like Shenmue II, as well as other Sega consoles, Sonic, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio ect ect ect
Red Bubble is another, sells a load of customisable Sega March too.