SEGA silently puts Castle of Illusion back on Steam, PSN and XBLA

We talked about SEGA losing the Mickey Mouse license this past September and having to pull Castle of Illusion from online stores, it seems something has changed since they have silently put them back on sale across all major digital platforms. When SEGA was warned about pulling Castle of Illusion they put it on sale as low as a dollar and now that its back its at regular price of $14.99. No idea what happen over at SEGA to make them change their mind or if this is some sort of mistake. Regardless Castle of Illusion is back on digital platforms, if you never picked it up I suggest get a copy while they are live.


Castle of Illusion is also available on mobile platforms, but those were published by Disney, so I didn’t mention them in the pull.  Maybe SEGA has a World of Illusion remake under their belt or Disney came to their senses? If SEGA is renewing old licenses and bringing back pulled games, maybe its time to bring back Afterburner Climax and OutRun 2? What are your thoughts on Castle of Illusion coming back to digital platforms?

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6 responses to “SEGA silently puts Castle of Illusion back on Steam, PSN and XBLA

  1. Shyning77 says:

    It’s good news!

    Now SEGA, please get the Ferrari licence back and re-release a HD remaster of OutRun 2006 : Coast to Coast (under a new name obviously, and with new features) and I’ll be happy!

  2. Hitrax says:

    Yes just had a look and according to the UK site, it has it back up for £9.99, it looks genuine so far, any idea of this is just a timed one off?

    Here’s the link ~

    • Túlio Moreira says:

      I don’t know what happened, but definitely it’s not April fools. Today I could buy Castle of Illusion on XBLA in Brazil, so the game has returned, it’s real

  3. CMM1215 says:

    Please please PLEASE for the love of everything SEGA, get AfterBurner Climax back up!!! I barely missed being able to buy it back when it got delisted earlier than expected. I’m super happy to see Castle of Illusion back, so perhaps there’s hope for ABC and OutRun 2!!

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