Aladdin and The Lion King video games get surprise release on Steam


If you were a big fan of early Disney games in the 90s, you are in luck because we got two surprise releases on Steam. First up we got Aladdin, this one is actually a port of the Amiga version, which was also done by the same developer as the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive game. One of the biggest differences between each version is the change in the UI, which is much larger on the Amiga version. I also prefer the sound of the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive version, including the music since its different. You can check out a comparison here. You can pick up Aladdin here.

The other Disney game we got released was The Lion King, this version was developed by famed Westwood Studios for SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive, SNES, Amiga, and a ton of other platforms. Of course this is the Amiga version, which I do not prefer. I know there are some big Amiga fanboys online but personally think the sound is the biggest drawbacks from these versions. You can check out the differences between each version here. You can get your Lion King fix here. The games are 33% off since they barely launched, deal ends on Christmas.

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6 responses to “Aladdin and The Lion King video games get surprise release on Steam

  1. Elly says:

    Wow you really are popping stuff out late George.
    If you are that motivate can you make an article about what Sega is doing right or bad this generations compare to last generation. comparing games that have come out least generation and games we aren’t seeing this generation.

    As always keep up the good work and Merry X-mas.

  2. Elly says:

    Thanks. i for one think its a good thing to look back 2 back on previous console generation within the life span of the 5th year off this generation. Also in witch area did Sega make up for compare to the last one.
    Also how many new ip’s came ashore and sink to the bottom.

    The title of article should be named (i think): the console knock-out @ starring Segabits 🙂

  3. A says:

    Why are you so sure it is amiga version? How is this even possible? Are you sure its not a PC DOS version?

  4. Ikagura says:

    Are those port that good?

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