SEGA Japan reveals Shenmue I & II special collector’s edition for PlayStation 4, with CD soundtrack, poster and box

File this one under: “The Japanese get the coolest stuff!” SEGA of Japan has released a new trailer for the upcoming Shenmue I & II release for PlayStation 4, and in addition to the footage we got the reveal of a special collector’s edition of the game. Like the Japanese Sonic Mania Plus release, this edition will include the game in a handsome box with a special two CD soundtrack. The soundtrack will feature music from both games. Also included will be a two sided poster and, if it is anything like the other regions, a reversible cover. The special edition will retail for ¥5,990, just a little over $50, however sites like Amiami or Amazon Japan should mark it down a little.

While the game releases this month to the Americas and Europe, Japan will have to wait until November 22, 2018. You can pre-order the game now at Amiami for ¥5,300 and at Amazon Japan for ¥6,469, which includes bonus digital smart device wallpaper downloads.



3 responses to “SEGA Japan reveals Shenmue I & II special collector’s edition for PlayStation 4, with CD soundtrack, poster and box

  1. DCGX says:

    We get a double-sided poster here in the States too. Not the same poster, and no soundtrack, but still cool. It’s weird though: even the pics online of the poster have the fold lines in it. I’m guessing it’s an 18″ x 24″ poster.

    • DCGX says:

      I checked on Amazon, and it is indeed the same poster. I thought the Japanese poster was in the above pic. So we’re just missing the soundtrack.

  2. Lan Di's gotta go down says:

    Please give North America (and everywhere else for that matter) at least the option of buying this edition for the soundtrack.

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