SEGA Talk Podcast #43: Sonic The Hedgehog (2020 Movie)

Grab the popcorn, because on this episode Barry and George discuss the Sonic The Hedgehog movie from Paramount! We follow the film’s development from the earliest signs of a Sonic movie all the way to the premiere and beyond! As a bonus, enjoy our long awaited review of the movie!

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One response to “SEGA Talk Podcast #43: Sonic The Hedgehog (2020 Movie)

  1. Matthew says:

    Took my two boys and little girl to the Sonic movie. I went in expecting a crapfest. In all honesty I thought it was great. My kids liked it as well. I was a SEGA guy before the Genesis and spent many times arguing the superiority of the SMS over NES on the playground in ‘87. Basically I’m old school. Gotta say I would like a sequel. Pleasantly surprised in the movie personally and at box office numbers. SEGA!!!!

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