SEGA Talk #102: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (2010)

Buckle up because on this SEGA Talk, we put the pedal to the metal and hit the road to talk about Sumo Digital’s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing! What are the origins of this racing franchise? What characters didn’t make the cut? What is a Bentley Jones? Click play and find out!

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One response to “SEGA Talk #102: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (2010)

  1. SirXyonder says:

    This game is the game that started it all for me.
    My grandpa took my to GameStop for my 10th birthday and I could pick any game I wanted. I chose All Stars Racing for the Wii. I did have a few Sonic games, 1 and 2 on the Virtual Console and Beijing 2008, but that was it. When I got this game, I wanted to learn more about the characters because I knew literally nobody outside of the Sonic characters and B.D. Joe. This led me to search for information about who I thought was the coolest looking character, Beat. Then I found out about the SEGA Talk Podcast and SEGAbits which taught me about all sorts of epic Sega stuff that I might not have known otherwise. After listening to some episodes, I decided to buy myself a Dreamcast so I could play Jet Set Radio for myself, and in mid 2019, I got enough money to buy it, and for 80 bucks I bought a Dreamcast with Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Incoming and the Web Browser 2.0. By far the best purchase I ever made, and now I’m a huge Sega fan, and I have my grandpa, All Stars Racing and you guys to thank.

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