According to Shenmue the Animation executive producer Jason Demarco, who is also the SVP of Anime and Action series at Warner Bros. Discovery, Shenmue the Animation has been cancelled following a successful first season. You read that right, a successful first season and a second season is not happening. Such an ass backwards decision makes total sense given the news coming out of Warner Bros. Discovery in recent months. The news broke as Demarco quoted a tweet which revealed season 1 was being removed from the Adult Swim website. Demarco went on to say that the anime will continue to be available on Crunchyroll. The team was “gearing up” for a season 2 but now, as Demarco says, “it’s looking like no S2”.
It seems Shenmue cannot catch a break these days, with a fourth game nowhere in sight and the anime cancelled. Hopefully YS NET, SEGA and Crunchyroll can work something out. Perhaps a truncated second season or a movie covering the events of the third game? Warner Bros. Discovery is a dumpster fire right now and SEGA can do better. Here’s hoping!
Hello . I hope the production of the second season will not be stopped. I am very upset

No. No . No . Ooooooo my God
I’m not only concerned about Shenmue, but all things SEGA. The main headquarters were bought out in Japan, and TBH, I don’t even know who’s in charge of the upcoming Sonic game. (I think it’s still branded SEGA, but I don’t know where or by whom it’s being developed?). As for any other SEGA property, I can’t even imagine what the future will hold, if any. There were even rumors of an upcoming SEGA console in the works, which apparently CAN’T even happen now. I’m just…so bummed.
What are you talking about? SEGA moved their offices to Ousaki, Tokyo. Nobody bought them out. They physically moved to a new building. Sonic Frontiers is being developed by Sonic Team in Japan and is directed by Morio Kishimoto, produced by Iizuka and written by Ian Flynn of IDW Sonic fame. A simple google search would tell you that. It is a SEGA developed and published game. If you name names of other SEGA franchises I could tell you what their status is, but you are being very vague. What SEGA console rumors are you talking about? There are no valid rumors to my knowledge. Again you are being hazy with what you’re referring to. Prior to the Mega Drive Mini 2 a Saturn or Dreamcast Mini was floated but they opted for a SEGA CD ready Mega Drive 2 due to parts shortages. That’s it. Stop being a doomer.
It’s quite tiring hearing Americans droning on about ‘buy outs’, what an ignorant one track minded way of viewing the industry.
What does being American have to do with it? That’s just how business works.
This litterally has nothing to do with buyouts.
It’s simply that WB Discovery is axing stuff left right and center right now, there are calls over twitter for the CEO to resign over the amount of stuff people loved he’s axed.
Regretably they own Adult Swim, and Shenmue is being chopped.
I’ve sadly never seen the anime. But I’ve heard good things about. David Zazlav can kiss my ass for what he has done lately! With rumours of him selling WB Discovery to Universal, I wouldn’t be surprised if ends up destroying Warner Bros from the inside out.
I hope SEGA and Crunchyroll can somehow save this anime. Even if it means moving it to another streaming service like Netflix (because, Sonic Prime) or Paramount Plus (because, both live-action Sonic films).