Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute on Nintendo Switch features fully working SEGA Saturn emulator

City Connection just recently released Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute that compiled Cotton 2, Cotton Boomerang and Guardian Force on a single cartridge. The game was, well, not well received due to the emulation being used having input lag, making the games hard to play.

The story would have ended there but, GBATemp user Iisreal2301 figured out a way to load his own SEGA Saturn images onto the game file, basically allowing you to boot up any SEGA Saturn game by tricking the system into thinking its loading a Cotton game!

Sadly the emulation is far from perfect, but it seems to be a working project by users from GBATemp. I guarantee you that Nintendo will crack down on this game’s fun, but for now here is a list of games tested by GBATemp user Levine 19:

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“Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute” announced for PS4, Switch

It looks like City Connection will be releasing a shoot ’em up collection being titled Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch! This was done at the Shooting Game Daikanshasai event. The collection is set to launch on September 30, 2021 in Japan with a standard and special edition. Pre-orders open on April 27th.

The collection is set to gather the SEGA Saturn ports of the Cotton games which will include:

The collection will have all the modern emulation bells and whistles including save state, rapid fire, ability to rewind, online rankings, and more. The team is also working on Cotton: Reboot, which is due to come out later this year as well.

Who would have thought 2021 would have the Cotton series return?

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SEGA Saturn’s 20th Anniversary: Celebrating Decades of Arcade Perfection

The SEGA Saturn turns 20 years old today and I thought it would be a good time to discuss the popularity of the Saturn in the land of the rising sun because if we did this article on its life in America it would be a very depressing and frankly this means I can write about Segata Sanshiro which is always fantastic.

So let’s get to it and if you like this article you might want to also check out a similar article I did on the Dreamcast for its 15th year anniversary.

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