VANQUISH Demo: 360 vs. PS3 build

The boys over at Digital Foundry have their hands full again, this time they sat down to judge the VANQUISH demo that came out the other day. They have confirmed this is ‘early code’ demo. .

“The key difference seems to be that the Xbox 360 goes for a conventional capped 30FPS, double-buffer approach (losing v-sync when dropping under the target frame-rate in order to maintain fluidity) whereas the PS3 game employs triple-buffering, effectively ensuring that there is not a single torn frame any time during the gameplay experience.”

Both versions run at 1024×720, with 2x multi-sampling anti-aliasing. They also say that the Xbox 360 version felt easier to control. I guess this is a personal preference since users on NeoGAF have reported the opposite.

Seems that the game will run great on both consoles, so breath easy my friends!

[Source: Eurogamer]