New Genesis/Mega-Drive & 32X FPGA clone console, the GF-1 Neptune, revealed

If you’re a fan of old school Sega and the 32X, then chances are you’ve heard of the Sega Neptune before. It was an official Genesis console with the 32-bit 32X hardware built right in, allowing for Genesis and 32X games to be run from one unit. We all know what happened with the 32X in the end, and with it, so went Sega’s plans to finalize the Neptune and bring it to market. I’m sure 32X fans would’ve preferred a Neptune over installing a 32X into a Genesis with its 2nd power cable though.

The Brazilian company Gamescare seems to agree with that notion, and thus have designed their own, all new FPGA-based clone console based on this unreleased Sega console, called the GF-1 Neptune. This Neptune will be able to run Genesis, Mega-Drive, and 32X games all in one unit, just like Sega’s Neptune was meant to do. It even has the same shape as Sega’s original Neptune prototype. It can also attach to a Sega CD unit with its expansion port on its side, like an original Genesis and, presumably, the original Neptune would’ve done.

Sound exciting to you? Join us past the break, then, and find out more about this promising development.