The SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show LIVE: Reel Ghostbusters Artist Chris Sorrentino

On this episode Reel Ghostbusters Artist Chris Sorrentino (aka PizzaPlazm) talks about his 80s animation inspired art which brings scenes from the Ghostbusters films into the style of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon! We’ll also talk about the many faces of Chris Sorrentino, including his longtime podcasting (Super Live Adventure), his cosplaying (Baby Belushi) and his comedy. Of course, being a SEGA video game focused show we will also talk video games including those weird licensed ones.

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The SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show LIVE: Ghostbusters – Special Edition with BillyTime! Games

39 years ago today, the original Ghostbusters movie hit theaters and kicked off a franchise that has endured to this day! Heck, they’re in New York right now filming the fourth film! On this Swingin’ Report Show, BillyTime! Games stops by to talk about his SEGA Genesis ROM hack Ghostbusters – Special Edition.

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SEGA Talk Podcast #55: Ghostbusters (1990)

On this SEGA Talk, Barry schools George on his favorite non-Sonic Genesis platformer: Ghostbusters! Developed by SEGA and Compile, the game is a unique non-linear action adventure game. Learn about the all-star development team, the game’s unique place in canon and the discovery of demo tracks from the game’s soundtrack.

Support us on Patreon! Get early access, tell us what games to cover, and have your SEGA memories read at the end and more!

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Former SEGA Sound Designer Kazuhiko Nagai Shares Ghostbusters and Rambo III Music Demo Tracks

It seems like video game industry creatives stuck at home have been spent some of that time unearthing and sharing hidden treasures from past development projects. First we had Craig Stitt sharing cool STI game concepts, and now we have former SEGA sound designer Kazuhiko Nagai sharing music demo tracks from the late 80s!

Posted to his YouTube channel, demo tracks from the Genesis/Mega Drive release of Ghostbusters, the Genesis/Mega Drive release of Rambo III and a track from the Genesis/Mega Drive game Mystic Defender have appeared in recent weeks. The tracks are labeled as rough sketches and “maybe rejected”, with Nagai providing his best guess at times for what the intention of the track was. As of writing, a new video was just uploaded (after the break) with fingers crossed for many more over the coming days.

Developer Retrospective: The winning combination of SEGA and Compile


As summer winds down, we thought it would be the ideal time to shift the focus of our Year of the Developers feature to third party Japanese developers who have worked with SEGA in the past to bring us countless classics. We are, of course, referring to the legendary developers Compile, Treasure and Westone. While these three developers existed on their own outside of SEGA, their collaborations with our favorite company utilizing beloved SEGA home console and arcade hardware went a long way in cementing their statuses as some of the best third party developers of the 80s and 90s.

My Life with SEGA crosses streams with Ghostbusters for the SEGA Genesis

My Life with SEGA ain’t afraid of no ghosts as AJ crosses streams with Ghostbusters on SEGA Genesis! 30 years ago, Ivan Reitman delivered one of the best films of 1984, starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. It was brimming with laughs, action, and some of the best visual effects of the day.

24 years ago, Compile and SEGA delivered a side-scrolling platformer for the fresh-faced 16-bit Genesis. Is it just as enjoyable as the film it’s based on, or is it just a great big….Twinkie?

Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel. After the break, watch the My Life with SEGA Ghostbusters Master System review!

SEGA Tunes: Ghostbusters Main Theme and Ending Theme for the SEGA Genesis

Ghostbusters for the SEGA Genesis is a game that holds a very special place in my heart. During Christmas 1991 I received my Model 1 SEGA Genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog bundled in, and from that point forward I was a SEGA fan. Owning a Genesis also meant that a whole world of games opened up to me, and since the console was a little over two years old, I spent much of 1992 buying up games I had missed out on. Buying games in the early ’90’s was tough. Nowadays we have instant access to the internet, so it’s easy to spot a game on the shelf, Google search reviews, and make the decision to purchase. Back in ’92 all I had to go by was the box art and the few screenshots provided on the back. Being a huge fan of both Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters, it only made sense for me to seek out the Genesis titles those franchises provided, and boy did I strike gold.

My Life with SEGA ain’t afraid of Ghostbusters on the Master System

It’s been 29 years since Ivan Reitman’s Ghostbusters graced the silver screen on June 8th 1984. Furthermore, it’s been 24 years since I’ve played Ghostbusters for the SEGA Master System. Has this relic of cross-promotional tie-ins aged just as well as the movie, or should it be cast aside along with Extreme Ghostbusters?

Find out this week on My Life with SEGA! Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel!