Keith Apicary’s latest song “Keith of Rage” takes inspiration from a certain SEGA beat ’em up

SEGA superfan and recent SEGAbits interviewee Keith Apicary has returned to the music world with a new music video entitled “Keith of Rage” – inspired by SEGA’s classic beat ’em up Streets of Rage. While the whole song is awesome from start to finish, a few stand out lyrics include “My Segas so hot its turning red. I’m eating apples and bustin heads. I played so hard my fingers bled. In a few more levels Mr X is dead.” and “I’ve got the brain of a 12 year old kid. My friends grew up but I never did. Spent half of my life jamming on Bare Knuckle and as a result I look like your uncle.”

Make sure to give the video a thumbs up and check out Nathan Barnatt’s other videos!

Keith Apicary talks to us about the Dreamcast and Shenmue III

Talking Classics star Keith Apicary performed at Too Many Games 2013 in Oaks, PA and we got a chance to talk to him on the floor before his big show! Barry the Nomad asks the tough questions regarding the console war that has been going since 2000, and whether we will see a Shenmue III. Check it out!

After the break, watch Keith’s Dreamcast 2 music video.