SEGA in the Media: Pablo Escobar plays Streets of Rage on Narcos

Netflix launched the second season to their highly rated series Narcos, which follows the life of Colombian drug king pin Pablo Escobar. In the second season, second episode titled ‘Cambalache’ (slang for ‘junkshop’) it shows Pablo Escabar playing Streets of Rage with his son which is why the show being featured on our SEGA in the Media segment.

Netflix seems to always have a reason to show product tie-ins in their shows and isn’t just there to promote a product but to advance the story. This has been shown with the types of video games they showed in House of Cards episodes and it seems to be a continuing trend with Narcos. While most other TV shows just show characters frantically hitting controller buttons, Narcos really shows that the characters are playing the game with the dialogue back and forth. Its minor details that really make a scene seem genuine. Pablo is talking about hitting phone booths, grabbing pipes and questioning the game when he is confronted to fight a woman. His son even tells him that the Streets of Rage female baddie is called Nora, which is actually correct. Seems that Netflix did this cameo just in time, considering Streets of Rage just turned 25 years old a month or so ago.

Its also ironic that Pablo Escabar, who is basically a real life version of Mr. X, is playing a game where he is helping take down a evil organization since that is the main plot of the show Narcos. Only in real life he is the one everyone is trying to take down. It is also funny watching him question the game giving him a female opponent considering one of the big rivals pulling strings this season is a female.

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