Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! gets a Limited Run Games release on July 31

Limited Run Games has announced today that Grounding Inc.’s Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! will be receiving a release on July 31st. The game is a followup to the Dreamcast originals, but utilizing PlayStation VR hardware. No word yet on price, method of release (open pre-order or limited number) or if a special edition box is planned. But my fingers are crossed for a classic release containing a Dreamcast-style case. More news as we hear it!

It has also been confirmed by @LimitedRunJosh that the Hatsune Miku DLC will not be included in the physical release due to licensing reasons.

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Hatsune Miku joins Space Channel 5 VR as DLC

If you are a huge rhythm music fan, then we got a epic crossover for you. Hatsune Miku will join Space Channel 5 VR: Funky News Flash! as DLC. We don’t know when this DLC will be released but we do know you will be able to play as Hatsune Miku in the game.

The image above is from Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone, which had a Space Channel 5 costume. Not crazy to believe that this crossover was going to happen since SEGA develops and publishes Hatsune Miku games and owns the Space Channel 5 IP.

We will keep you updated on future news for Space Channel 5 VR. What do you think of Miku making an appearance?

[Source: Siliconera]

Space Channel 5 VR launches on February 25 on PlayStation 4

We have finally got a solid date for Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash!, it will be coming out on PlayStation 4 on February 25, 2020 (in North America, day after for Europe), this was confirmed by PlayStation twitter account, which linked to the store page. For a long time Space Channel 5 VR was shown off by SEGA at SEGA’s TGS booth but now it looks like SEGA isn’t going to be publishing this title; according to the product page the developer Grounding Inc will also publish it. Which is a shame.

According to the official site for the game, they still don’t have a solid release date for Viveport, Steam VR or Oculus Quest. So far it seems that PlayStation 4 fans will get first dibs on Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash!.


Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash coming out this Autumn

Sony just had their PlayStation State of Play where they showed some of their upcoming PlayStation 4 titles. One of the games shown in their VR highlight reel was Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash which they finally revealed is coming out in the upcoming months!

Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash will not only come out on PlayStation VR, but also on PC for the HTC Vive in Japanese and English this fall. Are you gonna plug back in?

Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash! gets PlayStation 4 trailer, confirms co-op play

Its crazy to believe that Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash! debuted as a tech demo years ago at TGS 2016 and now the official USA PlayStation YouTube account has posted a trailer for the game!

The trailer shows off some of the gameplay, which is a re-used stage from the previous game and includes the two new characters exclusive to this version of the game. The trailer also says that the Space Channel 5 VR will contain co-op, but didn’t go into gameplay details. If I had to bet, I would assume its the same type of multipler in the previous title where one person takes up and down and the other controls the left and right inputs. The other frustrating part is that the trailer still doesn’t give us a release date but I hope it makes it out before the end of the year since this year is Space Channel 5‘s 20th Anniversary.

Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash introduces new playable characters Lou and Kee

It looks like the upcoming Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash won’t just have Ulala as the main star, it seems that Team Grounding will add Lou and Kee; two twin rookie reporters learning the ropes from Ulala herself. SEGA and Team Grounding showed off a demo at Tokyo Game Show allowing users to play as the new twins.

It seems that the demo level used is the same one as the first Space Channel 5 game, but users have reported new voice acting and even new actions to perform. Check out the new twin rookie reporters Lou and Kee via the screenshots below.

[Via: Siliconera]

Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live coming West on October 14

Hatsune-Miku-VR-Future-Live-Akihabara-1[Behold, the future of dating and gaming]

I don’t wanna say that I called it, but I called it! I wrote an article about how SEGA was submitting ratings in countries outside of Japan for Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live, saying I wouldn’t be surprised if its a PlayStation VR launch title in the West. Guess what? Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is a launch title for the PlayStation VR.

Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live has been confirmed for both America and Europe which is coming via the PlayStation Store (digital only it seems). If you are lucky enough to be attending Gamescom this week, SEGA has a playable demo at the PlayStation Booth so you can enjoy Hatsune Miku in her VR glory.

This is the future boys, no more need for girlfriends.

[Via: Nichegamer]

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Looks Like Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live Will Come West


It seems like a huge possibility that Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live, the debut Project Diva game for the PlayStation VR, will be coming West. Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live has not only been rated by the Australian ratings board but also the German ratings board.  If the game is coming out in two English speaking countries its likely that it will come to the rest of them. Don’t be surprised when SEGA announces Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live as a PlayStation VR launch title shortly after Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X comes out on August 30th.

In Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live players use the virtual reality headset to experience being an audience member at a Hatsune Miku concert, allowing the user to have a interactive stage experience not possible in real life. Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live will be a PlayStation VR launch title in Japan.

[Source: Siliconera]

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The SEGA Five: SEGA Games That Would Thrive in Virtual Reality

SEGAVRWhile not every single gamer is sold on Virtual Reality just yet, mostly due to the fact that it is rather expensive to even get a headset and compatible computer, the people that have experienced it all think its the future of gaming. While this is still open to debate, what I do know is that Virtual Reality has opened the door for older types of genres that SEGA pioneered in their long history to thrive. So today on The SEGA Five we will be discussing five genres that SEGA can revive with the help of Virtual Reality.

Before we get started I just want to say that these ideas are to make the games Virtual Reality compatible and not exclusive. I think this would mean that more gamers will be able to enjoy the games, VR headset or not.  The number of gamers with Virtual Reality headsets is too low to spend money on exclusives right now. So let’s get to it.

Rez Infinite comes out October 13th for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR

maxresdefaultRez Infinite was shown last year, was raved about as one of the most compelling PlayStation VR demos shown at the device’s revealing event. Now developer Enhanced Games has confirmed that the ‘remake’ will be coming out digitally on October 13th on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

Rez Infinite is set to run at full 1080p and feature a new level they are calling ‘Area X’. While Rez Infinite got a lot of buzz because of its PlayStation VR support, it is an optional feature and is fully enjoyable on a regular TV. The real question is though, will Rez Infinite get a trance vibrator re-release?

Infamous SEGA CD game ‘Desert Bus’ getting a sequel with VR support

DesertBusSEGACDDesert Bus has become a infamous game not only due to never having a official release, but universally being known as the ‘most boring game ever’ by many online publications. Is this an insult to the game? Nah. The game was a mini-game that was set to release in a compilation called Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors back in 1995 and was purposely mean’t to recreate a endless feeling  when driving through the Nevada desert.

Jillette announced the game via this weeks episode of Penn’s Sunday School:

“I’m working with Randy Pitchford. This is not announced publicly. We are going to do a€ —” this is a big, big deal —€” a new Desert Bus. And it’s just going to be for charities, so charities can use it to raise money.”

“He’s calling it Desert Bus 2.0. I’m calling it Desert Bus 1.0003. It’ll be a period piece, it’ll be set in 1992, like the original Desert Bus, just high-fidelity. We’re doing a couple other games. It’ll be a bundle of things. We’re talking to a bunch of people. It’ll probably be agnostic in terms of platform. It’ll probably be for the [Oculus] Rift and for the PlayStation VR.””

Yes, he is working with infamous CEO of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford who is responsible for great titles like Alien: Colonal Marines and Duke Nukem Forever. While we all know the game is mean’t to be boring, its nice he is doing it for charity.

What do you guys think?

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