SEGA Talk #160: Yakuza 3 (2009)

We talk about Yakuza 3! Okinawa, conspiracies, and Kiryu’s toughest fight yet! We’re breaking down the box art, the writer change, and the wild story: yakuza, CIA, and an orphanage under attack. Combat’s revamped, mini-games galore, and we’re tackling the controversial cuts. Was Yakuza 3 a hit or a miss? All this and more on, SEGA TALK!

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SEGA Talk #158: Sonic & SEGA Theme Parks

This week on SEGA Talk, join George and Barry as they embark on a whirlwind tour of SEGA’s fascinating history with theme parks! From the ambitious SEGA World Sydney, dubbed “Australia’s Interactive Disneyland,” to the futuristic Joypolis centers in Japan and beyond, we explore the rise and fall (and sometimes rise again) of SEGA’s ventures into themed entertainment. We’ll delve into the unique attractions, the iconic logos, and the stories behind parks like Centre Sega Paris, Festival Disney, SEGA Arena Taichung, SEGA Republic in Dubai, and the ill-fated SEGA VirtuaLand in Las Vegas. Did you know SEGA even had a presence inside Disneyland Paris?

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SEGA Talk #157: Sonic and the Black Knight (2009)

On this SEGA Talk, Barry and George throw on some armor and grab some talking swords as they waggle their way through the second Storybook Wii exclusive Sonic and the Black Knight! How does this game compare to Secret Rings? What connections does the game have with Sonic Adventure 2? Is it worth a revisit? Find out on this sword swinging episode of SEGA Talk!

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SONIC WEEKLY: Listener Mailbag – This or That?

This week, Team Sonic Weekly digs into the listener mailbag to prompt a discussion about which Sonic pixel art sprites each host prefers, which leads into a chat about Genesis and Dreamcast box art styles. We also check the latest new news and also the latest old news!

Check out the video above, or download SONIC WEEKLY on your podcast service of choice.

SEGA Talk #156: Bulk Slash (1997)

On this SEGA Talk, we blast off into the depths of the cult classic mecha masterpiece, Bulk Slash! We’ll delve into the fascinating development history of this unique Saturn title, explore the passionate community that brought us the incredible fan translation, and pay homage to the visionary creators behind this overlooked gem.

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SONIC WEEKLY: Mad Libs for Sonic Movie 3 w/ Barry the Nomad!

This week, SONIC WEEKLY joins forces with SEGAbits to feature Barry the Nomad and a freewheeling spoiler-filled conversation about the new Sonic movie! Even better: Barry brought the official MadLibs books to play!

SONIC WEEKLY is a chat show that covers all things Sonic the Hedgehog. For more episodes, search SONIC WEEKLY on your favorite podcast service.

The SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show LIVE: Our Favorite and Most Disappointing SEGA Games of 2024

It’s a new year, which means we need to look back on SEGA’s releases in 2024 and pick our favorite and most disappointing games, moments and company decisions.

Joining us are Sonic Weekly podcast host Grant to talk Sonic in 2024 and beyond and our own Patrick aka Kori-Maru to look ahead to what SEGA has planned in 2025.

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Watch Kori-Maru on YouTube

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SEGA Talk #155: Blue Stinger (1999)

Rewind to the Dreamcast era and join us as we revisit the cult classic survival horror game, Blue Stinger. Developed by the short-lived but talented studio Climax Graphics, this forgotten gem blends thrilling action, immersive exploration, and a captivating storyline. We delve into its groundbreaking graphics, haunting sound design, and the unique challenges it presented. Tune in to discover why Blue Stinger, despite its limited audience, deserves a place in the pantheon of cult classic games.

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The SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show LIVE: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Review

Happy Sonic the Hedgehog 3 release day! The movie that brings the events of Sonic Adventure 2 to the big screen is here, and Barry shares his thoughts on the movie in an hour long spoiler heavy review! Oh yes, I’m Barry. I’m typing this and referring to myself in the third person.

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SEGA Talk #153: SEGA Accessories Part 1 (1984-1994)

This time on SEGA Talk we take a deep dive talking about our favorite, worse and most innovative SEGA Accessories starting from SEGA SG-1000 through the SEGA Genesis for this first part episode of SEGA Talk.

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SEGA Talk #150: Sonic Frontiers (2022)

Welcome to SEGA Talk! Today, we’re taking a riskier than ever journey into the uncharted territory of Sonic Frontiers. Is this open-world adventure a groundbreaking leap forward for the franchise, or a misstep that’s left fans feeling lost and confused? We’re talking cyber prisons, AI dads, and the potential for a franchise-changing shift. So, fasten your seatbelts, we are in for a wild ride!

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SEGA Talk #149: Official Dreamcast Magazine (1999-2001)

On this SEGA Talk, we page through each issue of the North American Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine! What articles caught our attention? How did the magazine come to be? Joining us via archival SEGAbits interview clips are magazine staff members Simon Cox and Francesca Reyes to give us an inside look at working with SEGA, the final days of the Dreamcast and more on SEGA TALK!

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SEGA Talk #147: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2006/2017)

On this episode of SEGA Talk we look at Yakuza 2 and its remake Kiwami 2 as we look at the highly rated sequel to one of SEGA’s longest running franchises. What did the sequel do different? What did the remake add and what did it remove? Find out this and more on SEGA … TALK!!

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