Sonic Twitter launches poll to vote for favorite Sonic game feature, we all vote for Chao Gardens

The Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account has launched a new poll asking fans ‘Which was your favorite feature from pas Sonic games?’ with the ability to answer:

  • Time Attack Mode
  • Customizable Character
  • Chao Gardens
  • 2P Competition Mode

Guess what is winning at the moment by a overwhelming margin? Chao Gardens, a feature that hasn’t been in a Sonic the Hedgehog game since Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast (OK, it was in Sonic Chronicles, but does that even count?). Who would have thought that Sonic Team might be a bit out of touch with its fanbase. Who knows what will come out of this poll, hopefully a Chao Gardens return in the next game.

We Didn’t Need a Poll, We Already Knew It: Mega Drive named “Best Retro Console”

Gaming site Playr2 recently polled 1,411 gamers, asking them to vote for the best retro console, and a whopping 61% chose the SEGA Mega Drive! Other SEGA consoles also made the top ten, including the Master System and the Game Gear. Unfortunately, our favorite underdog the Dreamcast did not make the list. Placing second was the Nintendo 64. If the NES and SNES were Nintendo 1 and Nintendo 2, whatever happened to Nintendo 3 through Nintendo 63? After the break, check out the full top ten and feel free to agree with me in the comments that the Mega Drive/Genesis is the best retro console of all time.

Poll results: Majority of readers excited about Anarchy Reigns

For our first SEGAbits poll,  we asked you if you guys where excited about Anarchy Reigns. Almost half of you (42%) said you guys where excited over the game, 38% stated that they needed more information and 20% didn’t care about the game.

I’m quite surprised at the number that didn’t care about the title. But what can you expect, web is full of haters. Now we have a new poll:
How would you improve the Dreamcast Collection? Choices up on the side bar.

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