Yakuza and Judgment series localization producer Scott Strichart steps down

For all the wonderful writing that is in the Yakuza and Judgment franchise, it isn’t hard to notice that it comes straight from a Japanese company, mainly for a Japanese audience. And sometimes the transition is rocky when providing it for different languages. The team of RGG’s English localization team doesn’t give enough credit for the way they provide and translate the stories, characters, and events of the games and Scott Strichart (senior localization producer) has stepped down.


SEGA looking for the right time to bring Yakuza Ishin West

The last few years have been a great time to be a Yakuza fan with the series’ rise to success over here in the west. It seems SEGA America is taking the series more seriously by investing in these titles, for example Yakuza Like a Dragon will feature a full English dub. In a recent interview with ‘Rocket Beans Gaming’, SEGA’s Senior Localization Producer Scott Strichart explained that SEGA America and Japan want to bring Yakuza spin-offs to the West but needs to find the right time:

“We’re interested in doing what Japan’s gonna do at this point. We absolutely recognize there are some holes in the backlog that we want to do and Japan wants us to do. It’s literally just a matter of finding space for them on the slate. Like you said there’s over saturation issues, do we stop doing new things to put out old things? Do we put out the old thing in the middle of working on the new thing? Then say please buy both? There’s definitely an issue there with over saturating the market. That’s where we’ve kinda landed on that unfortunately. As much as we all wanna do it we need to find the time and space.”

So this doesn’t confirm that its happening, but it at least confirms that SEGA Japan and America are interested but don’t want to over saturate the market. It makes sense, there has been quite a bit of Yakuza releases these last few years with them even releasing all the once exclusive PlayStation 3 games on PlayStation 4.

[Source: Tojodojo]