Swingin’ Report Show #94: Bitmap Books founder Sam Dyer – SEGA Master System: a visual compendium

On this episode of the SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show podcast, Barry is joined by Sam Dyer, the founder of Bitmap Books, to discuss SEGA Master System: a visual compendium which releases June 17th, 2019. You can buy a copy of the book for yourself right here!

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Bitmap Books SEGA Master System: a visual compendium Kickstarter launches

UK based Bitmap Books have been around for a while, producing high quality art books featuring classic game consoles. “SEGA Master System: a visual compendium” is their first foray into the world of SEGA, and to make the book happen they’ve turned to Kickstarter. The book will feature pixel art, product design and graphic design associated with this iconic 8-bit system. The book is also officially licensed by SEGA and is the first book of this kind to be released for the Master System.

Backers can choose between digital, softcover or hardcover and add-ons include post cards, a poster, a t-shirt. Also included with each book will be 3-D glasses and a bookmark. If you want to support the book, check out their Kickstarter campaign.

Bitmap Books planning a Sega Master System Compendium


We haven’t covered Bitmap Books here yet, but they’ve been in the video game history books business for some time. Known best for their visual compendiums, Bitmap has covered classic hardware like the Commodore 64, Amiga and NES. Now, they are finally dipping their toes into the SEGA waters with the upcoming Sega Master System Compendium book. The book will feature in-game graphics, pixel art and provide a history on SEGA’s first western released console.

The Sega Master System Compendium will be funded as a Kickstarter, which goes live on May 7. When we near the Kickstarter’s launch we will be sure to share more information.