Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed now free on mobile devices

SEGA has dropped Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed‘s mobile price down to $0.00 (£0.00 in Great Britain), making the game now a free-to-play title. “Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed is now FREE!”, says the game’s revised description, “If you previously bought the game you still have the VIP Pass for FREE.” The game itself is quite an impressive port of the game, easily beating out the 3DS version when it comes to resolution, framerate and bugs, which the 3DS suffered from. You can download the game today from the App Store or from Google Play. Also of note, both versions now support Everyplay, which allows players to record and share video clips of favorite gameplay moments.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed for Intel Ultrabook announced

SEGA has announced Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed for Intel Ultrabook, the Ultrabook is a tablet/laptop hybrid. So Sumo Digital went in there and coded features to make use of the Ultrabook’s unique features like touch controls and ‘amazing’ tilt function.

“We tailored the game for the Ultrabook range to ensure we made the most of the hardware. We’ve specifically designed the user interface so touch can be used throughout. You can select modes, decide which track to play, and check out all the vehicles with a simple touch of your finger.” – Steve Lycett, Executive Producer at Sumo Digital

This is basically the PC version with tilt and touch controls added in. I hope for SEGA and Sumo Digital’s sake they don’t force Intel Ultrabook owners to re-buy the game to use these features, I hope its built into the old version of the PC game. Wasn’t there just an update a few weeks ago? Could have been in there.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U won’t support voice chat

If you are planning on picking up Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on the Wii U, I might have some bad news. It seems that the Wii U version will not support voice chat. As you know, Wii U will be online chat capable, but will be done on a game-by-game basis and require you to get a third-party headset instead of using the Wii U GamePad microphone.

“We don’t support voice chat on Wii U for those reasons. One of the side effects of being a launch title basically. Does support it on PS3 and 360 though!” – executive producer Steve Lycett

Seems the problem was time, since the game is a launch title it’s hard to get all the features you want into the game. Other launch games that do support online chat include Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 3: Wii U Edition.

SEGA’s list of E3 games goes live

SEGA has posted a list of games they will have at E3. Sadly a few games that are expected are not included. Yep, Anarchy Reigns is missing and Phantasy Star Online 2 is nowhere to be found. I assume some are missing due to being unannounced, like Sonic Adventure 2. Anyway, check out the ‘confirmed’ titles for E3 this year.