VGA Thor: God of Thunder debut trailer

Yeah, I watched this year’s VGA show. How was it? A lot better than the other years. SEGA even had a game at the show, isn’t that great? Well, I wish it was something more ‘amazing’ to show, like the Sonic 20th anniversary project or something.

Regardless of what I want, here is your trailer. You can moan below about how the graphics look amazing that it gave you a head rush.

[Source: GameTrailers]

SEGA Europe confirms 2011 titles

SEGA of Europe has confirmed some of their 2011 line up, yet missed to mention some titles that we all know are coming. Namely the PSN/XBLA games,  Sonic 3DS game, Sonic 20th anniversary game, Binary Domain, and a few unannounced projects hinted. Here is what they gave up though.

  • Conduit 2 – Wii February 2011
  • Shogun 2: Total War – PC 15th March 2011
  • Super Monkey Ball 3DS (Working title) – 2011
  • Virtua Tennis 4 – PS3 2011
  • Rise of Nightmares (Kinect) – Xbox 360 2011
  • Yakuza 4 – PS3 Spring 2011
  • Thor – Spring 2011 Xbox 360/Wii/PSP/PS3/DS
  • Captain America: Super Soldier – PS3/Xbox 360/Wii/DS – Summer 2011

Some AAA titles mixed with license titles that we will most likely hit ignore on. Seems like a confirmation of the first half of the year, hopefully fall is better.  Well,  what titles are you guys looking forward to?

[Source: NowGamer]

SEGA premiering Thor: God of Thunder at the VGAs

Every time I turn on the Video Game Awards on Spike TV, I always feel ashamed. The show is cheesy and the reveals are always over hyped. Regardless, I always miss that SEGA doesn’t do this sort of stuff, even if it is cheesy. SEGA is now jumping on the ‘first reveal’ VGA bandwagon,  they have a lot of great stuff coming out they could show… like Phantasy Star Online 2..

What will they show? Thor: God of Thunder. Oh, great. Why does SEGA of America advertise their horrible games like Iron Man and now this one, more than they do great games like Yakuza 4, Vanquish or Phantasy Star titles? Then they ask why they don’t sell.

Show will air on Saturday, December 11 at 8PM ET / 5PM PT. Put it on DVR, you will want to fast forward a lot.

[Source: Spike TV]

Thor: God of Thunder screens released, already underwhelmed

SEGA today announced that Chris Hemsworth (playing Thor) and Tom Hiddleston (playing Loki) will be voicing their on screen roles in the upcoming movie based game. You know, movie talent coming to video games, you guys excited?

I would be, if the game didn’t look like a PSP game. Come on, what the hell is going on here SEGA? I usually try to not to whine, but this is getting embarrassing. Are they even trying?

After the jump is the press release, if you are into SEGA hyping their products with words like “AAA talent” and “truly cinematic interactive experience.”

Thor game to have Shadow of the Colossus type boss battles

1up is running a article titled, “Five Things You Didn’t Know About Thor: The Video Game.” Some of the stuff is already known, at least I already knew. But they have a few things I didn’t really know about. One of those things is having big boss battles, SEGA hinted that Thor will have a grapple ability to climb them and strike their weak points, like Shadow of the Colossus. It makes no sense to do this, since Mjolnir lets him fly.

As for the Wii version of the game, that version is being developed by Red Fly, who specialize in porting HD games to Wii. They did the port for Ghostbusters game and it didn’t turn out awful. The Wii version will also be more kid friendly, to go with what everyone assumes the Wii fanbase is and will have a more comic book like presentation. Yes, you will be able to swing your hammer with the wiimote.

The DS version is sounding the best. It will be developed by Wayforward (A Boy and his Blob and Contra IV) and will be a Contra like sprite arcade side scrolling game.

Thor: God of Thunder first details

Thor: God of Thunder will be the game for the Thor movie, coming out next year. SEGA has given up some information regarding the title at this year’s New York Comic-Con.

Actually one of the first bits of information we know now, is the name, God of Thunder. That is new. It is also done by Liquid Entertainment (Rise of the Argonauts). We actually knew this bit of information, just refreshing your memory. The game is also being written by Matt Fraction.

[Source: PSblog]